The past few days were probably the most fun filled days on this entire trip. Aside from the Italian 2010 and Culture 2710 class I'm taking and the naps we all take after classes are over at 2, the fun happens later at night. On Monday before dinner we went to the soccer court down the road from our monestary and a few of the Italian students and american students played with each other. I was scared I would never even kick the ball but the game ended up being so much fun and we all played really good. The other team ended up winning and we left for dinner.
Normally our food for breakfast lunch and dinner are generally the same thing every day. We have an assortment of nutella and different jams and we have biscotti and cereal. Then for lunch we have some sort of pasta with different noodles or sauces and at least a meat, salad with balsamic vinegar which is AMAZING! and some fruit. Then for dinner we normally have melon (cantalope), prosciutto and soup. When we eat we almost always have wine and water. I can actually say though the food is more than just good. Then after we normally go to the bar or watch one of the movies that the ITA 3100 film class shows almost twice a week.
After showering and a couple hours later, we all went down to the bar and bonded with every one and laughed pretty much until 2 am. The late nights are horrible because waking up in the morning for class is almost the hardest thing to do when your in Italy...but its worth every moment.
Click Here for Italian Translation

After being here for more than 10 days, It started to feel like this trip is going too fast for me. Sadly, I missed a few posts because of technical difficulties, but now I will be posting every day. Last week we got to go see Harry Potter in Italian with no subtitles. I was surprised as to how much Italian I could understand which was almost half the movie.
For the Wayne in Abruzzo we are guaranteed 3 travel trips to Napoli & Pompei, Rome, & Florence. Everything else is up to us to pay for and find a way to get there. So far we have planned a trip to Pescara for the beach, the Harry Potter movie, Sulmona, Castelvecchio (Which is about 3 Miles away from Gagliano). At first the days went by slow, but it seems that now the days are going by fast and day by day closer to the day we have to go home. I know for a fact If by any means I could stay here for a couple months, I would and I know others feel the same. Yesterday, Saturday the 16th of July we went to Pompei and Napoli leaving at 5:30am. After sleeping on the bus for a couple of hours we arrived in Pompei for a tour of the Ruins. It was beyond beautiful to see everything and take pictures. To be honest though the best part was all the experiences we had together, like the funny jokes, and how our professor told us to pay attention to the Prositute area they had in the ruins. (When your on the trip or know the professors you'll understand) :)
Then came the bus ride to Napoli where we were almost jumping out of the bus and eat pizza. Now when I tell you that this is the best pizza I mean it is the best pizza in the world. First we went to Regina Margherita Palazzo and split off into our own groups to eat and shop. Me, Nalda, Erika, and Christian found a little place to eat these huge slices of pizza for only 1,50 euro and then spent the rest of the time shopping until we met up with Patrick, Enzo, Nick, and Will. From there we went to the most beautiful beach/sea where the people actually laid on the rocks rather than sand. After spending a good 5 hours in Napoli, we met cute boys, ate the worlds best pizza, and I got a very cute shirt during the Saldi which is Italy's sale they have the whole month of July.
As long as this post it, you would think that this day consisted of what I mentioned above. I've come to realize that no matter what I say or how I say it I cannot even explain what goes on here in Gagliano. We are such a close family were we are joking almost 99% of the day and love each other enough to last a lifetime. It has been 11 days and 500 pictures since I step foot into the airport. This has just begun, and I really never want it to end.
Click Here for Italian Translation
So we got to Italy on Thrusday July 7th, 2011 in Rome. It seemed like the minute we got to the airport, friendships were already starting. By the time we reached Rome after an 8 1/2 flight, we took a bus to Gagliano Aterno. Since then every day has been a wonderful experience that I could barely explain to anyone who isn't here with me. After the first full day, we were all a complete family. Day two was the day we went to the beach on Saturday, which was the best way to start off the entire trip. We went to Pescara to go to the beach and walk around. We even met a group of Italian Soliders who were very nice and tried to talk with the minimal English they knew. After that day it felt like we have been in Italy for a month, even though it was only 2 days. From then on we got to do walks, take pictures, and meet the Italian students we will be living with for the next 3 weeks. Sadly we lost our wifi on Friday, So I have no way of explaining about those days. This is going to be my blog, so show and explain this journey and the everlasting friendships that are being made. This experience has already affected me in numerous ways, that I know the once the last day comes and we are boarding the plane I will probably wish I could stay longer with all these amazing people. These are our days in Gagliano, Italy.
Click Here for Italian Translation